Messages given by Avatar Meher Baba on His Birth Anniversaries:
February 1961
"I am The One who is always lost and found among mankind. It is your
love for yourself that loses Me and it is your love for Me that finds
Me. Love Me above everything, for now while I am in your midst I am
most easily found as I really Am."
February 1962
"On this Anniversary of My Birthday I give you My Blessings for the
deathday of your false selves and for the Birthday in Me of your ONE
25th February 1963
For reason of His very Important Universal work, Avatar Meher Baba,
wished that Meher Centres in India and elsewhere do NOT have any sort
of Celebrations for His 69th Birthday in February 1963.
February 1964
"The aim of life is to love God. The goal of life is to become one with
God.The surest and quickest way to achieve this goal is hold on to My
daaman by loving Me more and more. I have suffered much and have to
suffer much more till I break My Silence. I give My Love to My Lovers."
February 1965
"Be true to the trust I repose in you and remember Me wholeheartedly.
My love and Blessing to you."
February 1966
"Be composed in the reality of My Love, for all confusion and despair
is your own shadow which will vanish when I speak the word."
February 1967
"Births and deaths are illusory phenomena. One really dies when one
is born to live as God, the eternal who is beyond both birth and death."
February 1968
"Let my lovers rejoice on my 74th birthday because soon after 25th March
something great will happen that has never happened before."
February 1969
"To love Me for what I may give you is not loving Me at all. To sacrifice
anything in My cause to gain something for your self is like a blind
man sacrificing his eyes for sight. I am divine Beloved worthy of being
loved because I AM LOVE. He who loves Me because of this will be blessed
with unlimited sight and will see Me as I AM."
message for His Birthday was issued by Meher Baba on 26th January 1969.)